Welcome to Being Cit Ananda


We have curated resources that support involution arts and meditation (IAM) including the following:

  • Cit Ananda’s recordings of published poetry

  • Information about TriYoga® and TriYoga® Prana Vidya

  • Singing Bowl offerings

  • Resources and topics related to herbalism

  • Resources for exploring Consciousness and the miraculous journey of being a spiritual being having a sacred human experience.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop


Dive inward.

Feel the pulse of your spine

where your Self vibrates.

Slow down—

Listen to Silence.

Ease yourself into a place of deep comfort.

Relax gripping, surrender effort,

let the body be warm and held

wrapped in a beloved blanket

the blanket of the Beloved

cocooned for metamorphoses.

Have a cup of herbal tea

to spark the inner journey.

Warm the channels of Creation.

Sip and yield to the abounding flow

abiding in everything

dripping stillness from your Soul.

Open to Wisdom.

Let Silence be your guide,

breath be your company

as you receive

the inner Wisdom

of your sacred Heart.  

Macrocosm, Microcosm

We are the reflection of the universe, the light of the heavens in manifest expression. What if we all knew and felt this truth, what if we were in touch with our inner well of light and radiated this effortlessly?

Life is a manifestation of the larger whole, a microcosmic expression within the cosmos of the universal totality. When we align our microcosmic environment with the larger picture of the cosmic whole we fulfill our true destiny and remember our true nature.

Here at Being Cit Ananda and Vital Roots we offer supportive tools designed around attuning you to your inner well, rooting you in Being. Enjoy the poetry, the singing bowls and the well of light inside you that is awake to these offerings.

Photo by Herbert Goetsch


You are more than the body you live in. Are you listening? What is being whispered?

Unearth the hidden messages your inner wisdom knows and is communicating. Listen deeply.

When we hear deeply, this message is received and answered introducing a sacred balance back into the expression life. Suffering falls away and a welcoming of the life force for all its gifts becomes a remembering of our impulse to gift ourself.

Are you ready to attune to your inner voice?

Photo by Karly Jones


Our elegant beautiful universe is a magical place. When we witness the elegance we see how nature has themes that often communicate subtle messages. The trees are the lungs of the Earth. Our lungs branch and extend outward like many tree branches. Our solar system revolves around a central star, the sun. Our bodies revolve around the central source of vitality within, the heart.

Holistic well-being is awakening to the harmony of the system where these mirrored aspects of the cosmos express their balance. When our bodies reflect our macrocosmic nature, well-being expands.

For this reason, our holistic philosophy at Vital Roots is to learn from nature and embrace natures wisdom in our use of plants, yoga, breath and sound to connect with the deep wisdom of prana, our life force. This is how we are Rooted in Being.

Herbs are fabulous allies as we move toward mirroring the macrocosm of the universe and its remarkable ability to flow and thrive in the microcosm of our bodies. Yoga and TriYoga® Prana Vidya practices clean the physical and subtle bodies in deeply powerful yet soft ways. Sound healing supports releasing somatic patterns in a gentle way. All are available through VItal Roots, sustaining our rootedness in Being. So many ways to choose wellness!

Risa (Cit Ananda) is a gifted healer. Her humility guides all her practices. She has supported me to come to balance through mental, physical and spiritual practices offered at Vital Roots. I am so grateful to have crossed paths with this amazing woman and her health and wellness business. I would recommend Risa and her practices to anyone struggling with chronic pain/illnesses, anxiety, depression, hormone imbalances, fatigue, or sensitivities. Risa is highly creative and intuitive. She has been an excellent spiritual guide and support to me for over 12 years. Many blessings!
— Joy J. MFT, MA - (2021)